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Coding Club +

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Coding Club Highlights

From start to finish, our children are engaged and eager to learn, through hands on experience they take the helm of their education and make it theirs.


We encourage and support them through lessons and fun interactive activities, as a team and individually.

We teach children in an exciting way, that gets them engaged from the very start. As there are a broad range of careers in computer science, we have many courses and levels to interest your child.


All of our courses are designed in a fun and creative way... and it doesn't stop there. 

For children who like to be more hands-on we have courses that are much more physical, where they can design, build and program.


Our lessons combine engineering and programming like a catch-all exception; we encourage critical thinking in design phases in a fun and captivating way.

Good News

The Work Experience Project is now up and running!

This company has been running for over 9 years now and we have had many goals.


Some of those goals were to:


  • Run at least 5 different courses in the area of IT (which we built up over a period of years).

  • To help young children and teenagers by giving them access to these courses without having to pay.

  • To increase their self confidence in computer science in a fun and welcoming environment.

  • To increase their awareness in these areas and show them how it applies to real life situations and careers.


Another goal we have had was to create real life opportunities for young people and we can happily say that we now have work experience opportunities available for those who are interested in the architectural industry.


The system is finally in place and we have already opened the door for some budding young people who are interested in architecture, art and graphic design.


We aim to create and provide more opportunities for young people in the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.


Congratulations to all the young people who have taken part in our courses, we will continue to do our best to support you.


If you are in this borough and your young person is interested, or as a parent you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Modern Architecture

IT has grown very rapidly, in a major way and in a short space of time:

 Architecture, animation, networking, artificial intelligence, these are just a few areas mentioned where technology has grown.


We encourage our children to dive in and we can accommodate and support their learning of new and emerging technologies.  In an exciting way.

Nothing to be afraid of


Computer Science and Mathematics go hand-in-hand.

 It is immersive and fun in a practical way. Numbers needn't be scary.


Progression happens best through real world practice making use of  effective tools, allowing children to absorb the information and make it work for them.

Maths is great!

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