Our Online Coding Club
We are now able to run online classes. If you want to sign your child/children up for this type of session you will need to create a free account at:
Please only do this if you have been asked to do so
You can click the link above, but before you do, please continue to read the information below.
Please note that if you have more than one child and only one PC/laptop, please only register them one week at a time. For example: one ticket for andrea for one week and another ticket for John the week after.
The process to do this is very quick, you will need to verify your email address. Please do this as soon as you can to keep all momentum forward rolling.
Once you are running on discord please send me your account name.
It will have a username a # sign and numbers. Please add this to your registration when registering for a place. You will find it in the bottom left of the screen. e.g.
We will then add the username to the class and confirm your child/children's place.
Discord usually starts up when the computer starts up, but if not, please make sure that it is running and ready for the time that the class starts. Discord can be downloaded for desktop use on your laptop or PC or you can use the online version.
It would be great for your child/children to be online at least 15 minutes before the start of the first session and 5 minutes before the start of each session after that.
If you have any questions about this process please do get in contact as soon as you can, so that we can help.
Thank you.